Doha Centre For Media Freedom-4312230

Dear Sirs,

        I would like to advise you that the Doha Debates which was held on Monday 14-12-2009 about Dubai was opened up for everybody but not for the Qatari writer, Hassan Aljefairi. It was not the first time that I was not allowed to speak by Tim Sebastian, but this was happening continuously during the latest sessions, especially when a new management for the Doha Debate was appointed recently.

      In the old days I was allowed sometimes to talk until they came to know that I was a Qatari man of values fighting for the rights of my Qatari people. They did not like the way that I was criticizing Arab Governments about lack of democracy and violations of human rights. When they came to know that I was a Qatari activist being a man of principles, then I was not welcome any more.  A camera man was filming everybody, but when I requested an interview, he refused. That was the second time he is doing that to me, I therefore want to report this incident. I also want this story to be published so that the British people know about it, as such persons are acting against European values.

     I told Sebastian that a good media man should have values and principles. He can be like Hassan Aljefairi, the voice of people not the voice of rich governments. I told Sebastian that he only represents himself, but not representing Britain, the country of democracy, human rights and freedom of speech.  After I left the room, some participants told me in the car park, that some media persons cannot get a job in Europe now, that is why they are so desperate to keep their jobs in Qatar by any means.

Thanking You,

Hassan Aljefairi,

Qatari Writer,

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