Inter Denominational Christian Church

Dear Sir,

I am the Qatari citizen Hassan I AlJefairi wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New year. Please pass my greetings to all members of your church and inform everyone that it is my wish to see Israelis and Palestinians treat each other with respect.Palestinians and Israelis are the inhabitants of the Holy land and can see each other as brothers not as enemies. I take this opportunity to thank the Christian Palestinians for their support to the Muslim Palestinian brothers in their struggle. I also thank the Vatican and all brave Christians who supported those Palestinians that are thrown out of their Holy Palestine land. I also thank the moderate Jews who bravely stood against the extremists in Israel that are overusing violence against normal civilians.

Please inform your Christian members that there are millions of Moderate Arab Muslims like Hassan Al Jefairi who want to live in peace and share love and happiness with Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and all other religions.

            Al Qaeda, Taliban and extremists represent only themselves, but do not represent millions of moderate Arab Muslims like Hassan Al Jefairi.

Thanking You,


Qatari Activist,


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