Dear Sir,

     During the latest forum held by Aljazeera Channel in the Diplomatic club, staff of Aljazeera allowed some of their friends to talk, but I refused to talk their way and wanted to talk Hassan Aljefairi’s values.

    They did not allow me to speak, but when I insisted to talk, your security man came to walk me out of the Diplomatic club. I was the only Qatari between those Arabs, but I was discriminated against. Why do you send your security man to me? I am a Qatari Activist fighting corruption. Next time, send your security men to those influentials who put public money in their pockets and who make Government rent houses and towers from their friends and relatives. Make sure that if Hassan Aljefairi is not supported, occupancy in your hotels will decline, revenue will drop and a lot of Qatari investors will lose.

    Businessmen and decision makers who do not do anything to promote freedom values of Hassan Aljefairi will face severe losses and will show their failure.

Yours Faithfully,


Qatari Writer.


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