The peninsula

I refer to your article “policy favours hiring married expat
Workers” for your information, during the last 7 years, I, Hassan Aljefairi who continuously was raising the issue of the growing imbalance in the male-female ratio.

This was the matter of my concern and I am the one who writes and talk everyday to Qatar Government saying that unless visas are issued for single ladies to come and work here in Qatar then would seem to be like a military base or a garage. I am the one who first spoke about current ratio which is four men for every woman.

It is not fair that some Qatari Government officials take away my brain work and then refer it to themselves. I am Hassan Aljefairi the think-tank of Qatar and my name should be quoted.

Please check the video cameras of the planning council of Qatar and then you will come to know that it is me, Hassan Aljefairi who threatened owners of Hotels, towers, villas and furnished apartments with big losses estimated in billions if such ratio was not dealt with.


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