First of all, I am so delighted to know that there is someone like yourself who has a very deep concern about the environment. This now gave me an impression that there are still some Qataris who think straight about taking care of the environment. Being an environmentalist myself, I am so happy to know that there is this website like yours that tackles environmental issues, let alone the issues regarding these mangroves at different sites in Qatar. Let me add the one from Wakrah Beach were mangroves has been destroyed which used to be a beautiful scenery in the area as much as with its wildlife. As a regular resident of this country for over 15 years, I witnessed the gradual change in our surrounding and it is sad to see natural habitat for animals being destroyed, habitat that Qatar don’t have much. I just hope that government will do something to really make environmental issues a sincere project to focus with.
Thanks for your website, now I found someone else in Qatar who have the same advocacy.
– Roland