I am Hassan AlJefairi, the Qatari activist, wishing all the Christians Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
Many years ago, I said to everybody in Qatar and to our Government officials that we Muslims have mosques in Europe and U. S. A and can pray freely anywhere, then Christians have the right to build churches in Qatar.At that time, no one could dare to speak like that anywhere in any country in the Arabian Gulf Peninsula.
Only now recently churches are being built in Qatar and some GCC countries but I am the one who was the hammer to allow Christians to have church so they can have Christmas Eve mass in Doha, but now Christians ignore me and not asking their friends in the Media to give me the coverage that I deserve.
Thousands of Christians from various communities gathered for the midnight mass which was conducted at the parish ground do not know anything about Hassan AlJefairi, the voice of Qatari emocracy whom without freedom dies.
Thanking you,
Qatari Activist