We had suffered a lot in the past and now I want to inspire your staff and students about the valuable lessons of my grandfathers marine lifestyle and bring you the wisdom of my great grandfather, Ibrahim Aljefairi, the famous Qatari Noukhutha “captain” in the Qatari seas history.
MY grandfathers used to earn their living from the marine environment, fishing and diving, but that was not an easy life as members of my family died from stone fish. My grandfathers used to walk through shallow water near the shores but sometimes they step on stonefish mistaken thinking they step on stones as these stonefish can change their own colour and can inject poison from their spines. Our grandfathers do not attack the stone fish and let them feed from shrimps and small fish, and walk away from them.
My grandfathers had difficult time and now please help me to attach thousands of Qatari children to English curriculum schools like London, Debakey, Qatar Academy French, Shore bone, American and other English schools as our Qatari Government is rich and can afford to issue coupons for my people to learn.
Yours Faithfully,
Qatari Writer,