QATAR- 4578100.
Dear Sir,
Please advise your students that Hassan Aljefairi is saying that up risings in the Arabic and Islamic world has nothing to do with religion, but due to poverty, unemployment and low quality of education. A lot of Arabic leaders agree with me that Arab Governments had failed the Arab young’s. A lot of Arabs youths came from frustration with what is seen as corrupt and self serving political establishments. If I was not isolated by the Qatari press and media, I could have persuaded my Qatari people that the present failed education system especially in Qatari Government and independent elementary and secondary schools is the reason for the future unemployment and sufferings. A lot of licenses are granted to some who talk and act like fanatics or radicals to operate independent schools, teaching children too much traditions and culture on the expense of English language, Maths and Science.
I did my best to enroll thousands of Qatari children to International English curriculum schools, but I failed, because Universities in Qatar foundation did not support me and ignored my mission. A lot of time I felt that I was not welcome when ever they had forums and seminars, but this was not always the case with Goerge town.
Yours Faithfully,